Sunday, October 31, 2010


I started this drawing when I was in between projects at school. I had to keep pushing it aside, but have finally been able to focus on finishing it.


Drawing almost done.

I have also found a way to better sketch out future projects. This drawing turned into one of my horsehair embroideries that is actually in a show right now at the Plastics Club. 

Along with the work I did in school. I kept a sketchbook for every semester. I had only two rules for them. 1. I must be done in about three months. 2. I must not waste space. I filled each one with ideas for projects, things I found on the street, notes written to me etc etc etc. 

With so much going on during the last semester I broke my first rule. But I finally finished!

collage. pictionary drawing from when I was in haystack and cd cover my friend Diana gave me


Collage from made from an envelop 

Goodbye sketchbook!

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